Monday, August 11, 2008

the run down

mark and linda left today to do a little sight seeing of their own. they'll be back in a few days. i told isaiah that he should 'run down' when they left. the tradition is not ours, it's really the martin's. when we would say goodbye all 4 of the girls would 'run down' to the end of their driveway and wave goodbye. it never failed, they did it each time. so today i thought we would start the tradition ourselves. i told isaiah to run down the end of the sidewalk - and complex to wave goodbye. he wasn't sure of his boundary so i told him i'd go down there for this first time so he'd know.

he raced papa and gg the entire way, but as i got down there i met up with some neighbors who had just gotten back from a walk. it was a convergence of all of us at the same time, unplanned. God is good. one family moved in 2 days ago and they have a 2 year old boy. one got here in june they have two girls, our kid's ages exactly. one family has been here a year and has a 6 month old. one with a 6 and 4 year old (4 year old boy) and another who has a little boy who is alaythia's age. the kids immediately started playing...riding bikes, playing ball, trading tricycles. and what was left for us mom's to do? sit and talk.

we stayed down there until lunch time. my heart was full as it was just what we had hoped for. i know that i'm no where near the end or even beginning of my transition journey, but i can't help but be overwhelmed with how gracious and kind God has been to us. in little details, not just the big things. i feel like He's got me so tenderly in his palm, protecting gently, guiding slowly and showing love.

there are still a lot of tears at the loss. such a huge loss. but there are also moments of hope and grace. i can say honestly that i'm thankful for it all.


Anonymous said...

Oh Nat......


Laura said...

I'm so glad you got to meet some neighbors and that they have kids! God is so good!

Maddie said...
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julie martin said...

like mannah every morning, God is providing everything you need. so thankful with you! got all teary when i read about isaiah "running down" to say good-bye to his grandparents. sad because our girls don't do that anymore (which i guess i'm thankful for. it would be a little odd at their ages.) and so happy that your guys are keeping the tradition alive.

Anonymous said...

What a great reminder that our God will supply all our needs. It sounds like the beginning of a lovely, helpful neighborhood.
I have been mindful of the pain of separation you and your family are going through and I am praying for you. What a huge blessing of the time you have had with your family in Washington. love, Connie D