Wednesday, October 29, 2008

12 hours and 3 planes

she coming! she's coming today. the week has been S-L-O-W-L-Y creeping by. what else matters with grandma is coming?!?!

the chain has no more links. the house is in the throws of being cleaned. and the kids sleep...because they were told they couldn't go to the airport to pick her up if they didn't sleep a long time.

i bet i'll cry. i KNOW she'll cry. and the kids will go wild. wild i tell you. she won't see the real isaiah and alaythia for days...


Anna said...

I am so excited for you all! It is such a blessing to have family visit! I pray that you will have a wonderful time together.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh. So great. I keep looking at the clock and thinking only x amount of hours before Donna arrives in Louisville to see her lovie dovies. I'm not sure how she is even able to sit in her seat on the airplane.
Tears will be shed for sure. This time tears of joy. Now I can picture everything there. I hope you have a great time. How can you not? Enjoy every minute of it!
Hugs/love to each of you.

alanmcs said...

so wonderful! i'm sure there will be tears all around! just think, after this visit, your mom will never NOT be able to picture your new world again. as she enters in with you today, she understands you in a new way for always.

soak it up! give my celebratory hugs and kisses to all!

Heidi said...

Oh yeah Nat! How long is she staying? How fun that she will be there for Halloween to see the kids dressed up too! Please tell her I said "Hi" and I hope her visit boosts your spirit!!

Christi said...

You are going to have a blast!! Don't forget to take pictures!

Jordan, Erin, Morgan, and Brenna said...

Have fun with your mom! I always count down when my mom comes and then when she IS here it goes by so fast. Savor every moment...tell her hi for me.

Brittany said...

how fun to have your mom out! i am still figuring this all out. thanks for your comments:) yes, it is getting addicting, but i am not near a good writer as you are, i feel like mine are so boring . . .
have fun! love, B