Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ice storm

we're in the middle of an ice storm. for now, the ice has stopped falling and the snow is coming down. thought we'd get some video of it to share. from our window we can see trees branches bent and weighed down with ice, splitting down the middle. hopefully that won't happen to our power lines...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

glimpses of the man

he loves to be taller than me. he'll climb up on just about anything and ask, 'now mom? am i taller than you?'

i was pulling clothes out of the dryer and folding them, iTunes blaring in the background, when i heard him again ask the question. the piano bench is in the middle of the living room, the bathroom stool on top of that, him standing with a questioning smile. i think this time he's done it. i walk over to him with a smirk. 'yep, you're taller.' his face beams, his eyes twinkle. in his happiness he wraps his arms around my neck.

it's not a new position to hug him in, but i'm not lifting him. i'm not using any strength to feel him hug me while i stand. we start to sway to the music and soon he lifts his head off my shoulder, stands up straight and looks into my eyes. for a moment, as i look UP into his eyes, i see the man he'll be someday. i take the opportunity to put my head on his chest with his arms laying loosly around my shoulders.

we sway and the song talks about your cup overflowing. and my heart is full. i let tears come freely, he can't see my face and be alarmed by them. we sway with no words between us for the whole song. when it's done he pops his head up and gives me a kiss. i'm afraid my tears will alarm him. but no, my 4 year old is a little man right now. i don't know if he just didn't notice, or didn't comment on them. or maybe he felt they were appropriate, who knows with him.

there are days when the mundane, i feel, will drive me to insanity. days when i'm sure it's just not worth it. but it's moments like today i wouldn't trade for the world. for a million hours to myself, for a clean house, sleep...or sanity.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

it was nice while it lasted

this week starts the second semester for matthew. we've been living in dream land with him home in the days and only working in the afternoon and evenings. but this all will change...very soon.

when he is gone, for 5 hours at the most, the kids are completely undone. each of them taking turns crying over him being gone, wanting him to come home. we'll all go into shock when he's gone for whole days.

but it's been a good break. time to reset. time to take a legitimate break. time to be just us...and have new people enter our life.

i think the first semester here was mourning the loss of what we left, being in shock actually at all that happened, trying to find our bearings. but this semester feels different. we're setting roots, as shallow as they may be right now. we're investing here. the kids are adjusting. and we will wait to see what the next semester brings.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

i've never responded to one of these before, but tonight i'm feeling it....

1. Where is your cell phone? ...on the book shelf
2. Your significant other? ...matthew
3. Your hair? ...never got done when i got out of the shower
4. Your mother? ...portland, oregon right about now
5. Your father? … also
6. Your favorite thing(s)? … my husband, my kids, reading, playing tetris online
7. Your dream last night? …i was going out to lunch with barack obama and his family! go figure!
8. Your favorite drink? …diet coke
9. Your dream/goal? …to have kids that love God and a husband that has a PhD
10. The room you’re in? ...the living room
11. Your fear? … being alone
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? …living close to family with matthew having a full time job as a professor
13. Where were you last night? …texas roadhouse (my new favorite restaurant)
14. What you’re not? …creative
15. Muffins/donuts? …donuts
16. One of your wish list items? … shopping spree to target
17. Where you grew up? …everywhere...if i had to pick i'd say whittier, california
18. The last thing you did? … gave my kids brownies
19. What are you wearing? … sweat pants, sweatshirt, slippers
20. Your TV? …don't have one
21. Your pet? … don't have one
22. Your computer? …is my link to the world
23. Your life? …slow
24. Your mood? …upbeat, but tired
25. Missing someone? …mom
26. Favorite pastime? …reading, blogging
27. Something you’re not wearing? ...socks
28. Favorite Store? …target
29. Your summer? …life upheaval
30. Your favorite color? … purple
31. When is the last time you laughed? …a few minutes ago at isaiah's comments
32. Last time you cried? …yesterday
33. Who will re-post this? …ummm, not sure as i'm not sure who i'll tag
34. Four places I go over and over? …the rec center on campus, target, walgreens, bank
35. Four people who e-mail me? …courtney, bev, mom godshall, and work people
36. Four of my favorite foods? …artichokes, steak, french fries, chocolate chip cookies (ugh, not healthy!)
37. Four places I would like to be right now? … vancouver, rocklin, maui, bonneville hot springs
38. Four people I tag? … jules, laina, christi, lyndsey (those even surprise me)

alaythia's story secret

Sunday, January 4, 2009

i want to wonder

today at church we started a new series. for the next year we will be going through the old testament. i'm thankful for their diligent work so far. reading plans, daily devotionals, blogs about all things 'old testament', helps with how to bring your kids into it. it's the start of a new year, time to get a fresh start, i am hopeful it will last. hopeful that as i live in community i will be spurred on to being in God's Word. to have it change me permanently.

the pastor preached creation today. at one point talking about the wonder of creation. that we should live in wonder about God and what he's created, sharing that wonder with those we come in contact with and how children are the best example of this.

as matt and i sat there we gave silent testimony to the God-given sense of wonder that children have.

as we were flying home to louisville earlier this week, isaiah sat in the window seat as we left phoenix. it was dark outside, but clear, and the further we rose, the more magnificent the city lights looked. isaiah was glued to the window. and soon, we heard his little hands pounding out a rhythm, his little voice singing...his own song.

i can't remember the words exactly, but it was something about God's greatness, him coming to die for us, we worship you, his resurrection, we praise you. and on it went, over and over. matt and i sat beside him, he was unaware we were listening, and we marvelled at how God's creation moved him. it created a desire to worship, he couldn't hold it in, so he put words to the emotions he was feeling and drummed out the beat of his new found song.

one, i never want to squelch that in him. i want to foster it, help him to never lose it.
two, i want that to be my response. i want to be filled with the wonder of who God is and let a song rise up in me.


on a completely different note, i'm realizing in new ways just how sensitive isaiah is. he's very aware of others' feelings and the goings on around him. a couple nights ago as i was cooking dinner, he walked into the kitchen and out of the blue said, 'mom, i bet that fourth piggy was really sad that he didn't get any roast beef!' it took me a second to figure out what the heck he was talking about. but then i said, 'yes, isaiah, i bet he was sad that he didn't get to go market, or get roast beef.'