Tuesday, January 18, 2011

17 months

a day in the life of sophia at 17 months

-wake up about 7am calling for brother to get you out of your crib.

-while brother and sister watch some t.v., you eat some breakfast and roam around. t.v. is totally not interesting to you.
-ask mommy to read 'wheels on the bus' 4 or 5 times
-play anything brother and sister are playing - including but not limited to:
dance parties: when the music starts, no matter what you are doing, you 'run' to living room to join.
hide-n-seek: you count with mommy and are the best finder. when it's your turn to hide you will even lay in a box with a blaket over you, waiting to be found.
scare monster: mommy's favorite game that you love too. you will come around a corner and growl at whoever is waiting.
chase and wrestling: you are unafraid to join in the crazy chaos that your brother, sister and dad create.
-sneak into daddy's office and 'study' with him.

-copy your big sister down to the clothes she's wearing and movements she makes.

-you decide you're not tired and stop taking morning naps, much to mommy's panic
-read 'wheels on the bus' 4 or 5 times
-have some lunch, throw your food all over the floor

-take an afternoon nap
-help mommy with the dishes - putting them in, taking them out, looking at your reflection in the door.
-sit outside of daddy's shut office door and call for him, because you'll have to learn (like your brother and sister did before you) that even though daddy is home, he's working and can't play. such a hard concept to get.
-ask mommy to read berenstain bears, and sit for the whole book
-read 'wheels on the bus' 4 or 5 times
-eat dinner and be the best eater out of all of your siblings
-help pick up the toys...best out of all of your siblings
-play anything brother and sister are playing - see above description

-read 'wheels on the bus' 4 or 5 times
-brush your teeth happily and merrily
-lay down and go to sleep after some snuggling and singing

kirkland signature diapers and wipes

Monday, January 17, 2011


it's nice having a third parent in the house. when the two of you are tapped out the third can swoop in and take over.

what?! you don't have three adults living in your house? well, neither do i, but i have one heck of a 5 year old that rose to the occasion tonight.

alaythia would not eat her dinner. others were being bathed, the dishes were done and there she was still hysterical because she 'just couldn't' eat one more bite of broccoli. isaiah decided to end his bath early so he could go and help her finish. all his own idea. he spoke her language, had patience and coddled when we could do no more. we were tapped out and he got the job done.

he was sitting in the living room tonight when i came storming out of the bathroom. i threw my hands in the air and matt knew it was his turn to take over. isaiah snuggled up next to me asking me what was wrong. i told him i get so frustrated sometimes and i just have to walk away. he put his head on my shoulder and said, 'i know, sometimes i get frustrated with that too.' he and i sitting on the couch sharing our frustrations and gaining support.

during the bedtime routine i was reading to alaythia, matt to isaiah. soph was wandering from parent to parent asking for a book to be read. (poor third child). isaiah decided he would stop his book and read to her. little soph climbed up on the couch next to him, thumb in mouth. as he made is way through it she would occasionally look over at him as he read. and yes, he even read it a second time.


i was walking through the snow with him the other day, just he and i. he felt old. i felt old. it's different when it's just the two of us. a mother to an almost six year old. no baby on hip, no 3 year old to corral. just walking with my hand resting gently on his neck, talking about life. he's wise, and caring. sensitive and smart. he's growing into a little man that i LOVE to be with.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

help for haiti

check this out. a friend in our community group did the story. had to pass it on!

Monday, January 10, 2011


last year

this year

three years and 1o months ago

2 weeks ago

Sunday, January 9, 2011

i'm getting complaints from people. they are tired of looking at woody. really tired.

this past holiday season has been one of a lot of introspection for me. not that it hasn't been extremely busy, very intense and full of sickness. honestly, i haven't had a lot of time for introspection. but in being stretched to my limits, in the circumstances that i've been walking through, i am discovering and refining who i am - and who i want to be.

i have been given clarity. recognizing lies that i believe, and have believed for a long time. they have grown and taken root, shaping who i am. it's the LORD revealing the reality of how i live my life, giving me a vision for how it should be. sloughing off the things that need to go. i'm grateful. and excited for what it could mean for my life and what it could mean for the people i am seeking to grow.