Sunday, January 9, 2011

i'm getting complaints from people. they are tired of looking at woody. really tired.

this past holiday season has been one of a lot of introspection for me. not that it hasn't been extremely busy, very intense and full of sickness. honestly, i haven't had a lot of time for introspection. but in being stretched to my limits, in the circumstances that i've been walking through, i am discovering and refining who i am - and who i want to be.

i have been given clarity. recognizing lies that i believe, and have believed for a long time. they have grown and taken root, shaping who i am. it's the LORD revealing the reality of how i live my life, giving me a vision for how it should be. sloughing off the things that need to go. i'm grateful. and excited for what it could mean for my life and what it could mean for the people i am seeking to grow.

1 comment:

Pulse204 said...

love you... so much. Thankful for your words and honesty. Wish we lived closer so we could get together and talk for hours like the old days... wait.., moms don't get to do that! Well, wish, we could live in the insanity of motherhood together. I miss you!