Thursday, July 24, 2008

powered by pikes

can you tell i'm about to move? no time to think - let alone blog. i'm up early this morning because i went to starbucks to take their was well worth it. now here i sit with my pikes place and a quiet house. seems the perfect time to blog.

but it will have to be trite updates as so much has gone on.

we have a place to live in kentucky, it's waiting for us ready to go. washer and dryer, with good neighbors we hear. matt leaves on the 3rd with his dad to drive our stuff out. the kids and i will fly on the 6th with matt's mom, meeting together in kentucky to start our new life.

i went through all of my belongings, the things that have been in boxes for years. and went through my house to simplify. things i just don't need anymore. a friend came up and we did a garage sale thursday, friday and saturday. it was well worth it. as my mom said, when you're older and have the means, a tax write off is nice. but when you're young, even $100 goes a long way.

matt turned 29, mom turned 50 and matt and i have now officially been married for 7 years. (all those celebrations are three days in a row and happened last week).

alaythia has started talking up a storm. some of the cutest things she has we were walking into church last week she saw the crowd of people and as we approached them she said, 'oh my' in a sing songy voice. she now can call everyone by name, but if she happens to not know your name she'll just look at you and in her deep voice call out, 'hey! hey!' until you respond. she loves to sing. as we're singing to her before bed he joins in or if she's at the piano, she sings and sings. our band is getting more and more complete by the day.

i've decided that the first half of the day i need a coffee I.V. and the second half i need a diet coke I.V. that's how i get my energy. kentucky is a new start though, so maybe i'll have the space to kick some of those addictions. for now, they are my life line.

how am i about moving? it depends on when you ask. i'm ready in terms of the fact we've been working for this for so long. the beginning of the end for us. and it's a chance to start over. it's a chance to begin a new adventure. matt and i are grown up now. we're moving our family to the other side of the united states..... on the other hand, you know at the end of the school year, right before summer, all your friendships just seem to get better? that's how i feel. maybe it's that you're being more purposeful. maybe you're saying the things you wouldn't say otherwise. whatever the reason, i will be sad to leave. but most days i choose not to think about that.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Powered by Pikes. I like that.

We hope to see you again before you go. Is there a day that works for a coffee (see, I get it) or park date, just a few hours?

Until then, enjoy your boxes and happy anniversary.

CourtChris said...

My heart hurts! Kentucky is blessed to have you...for now. But let those people know they can't keep you!

Anna said...

Hi Natalie!
Chris and I just found your blog a few weeks ago through Todd and Noelle's blog. It has been neat to hear how you are all doing! Your children are so cute! We are now in Indiana just about two hours north of the Kentucky and Indiana border. We have loved the Mid-west! We would love to hear more about were you will be moving to in Kentucky, and what you will be doing there. I know that you are busy with the move, so no hurry!
Anna Fritz!

julie martin said...

can't believe you're leaving soon! you will be in our prayers as you go! it is so fun that we will be able to picture where you will be! Godspeace Godshalls!!