Monday, July 28, 2008

stp 2008

so every year for the past....6 years my dad has ridden the STP (seattle to portland) bike race. it's 206 miles that he does in one day - animal, i know. this year, my brother adam and my uncle gabe rode with him. amazing! they did it in less than 12 hours. as is the tradition, we all met up at the finish line to welcome them in.

isaiah just recently got a 2 wheeler from a friend. he was beside himself that he now has a bike like grandpa. when he heard us all talking about the stp he was adamant that he would ride with grandpa for the whole 200 miles. not wanting to crush his dreams i said, 'if grandpa says that you can, then you can.' well i didn't fill my dad in on the weight of his remarks. so he told isaiah that he could ride in the race. you can imagine the hysterics when the day came and we informed isaiah that he in fact could not ride 206 miles with his grandpa.

as we got updates on how the guys were doing throughout the day my dad said that he wanted to ride across the finish line with isaiah. so isaiah and i waited down the street from the finish line. the plan was that my dad would stop along the street and they would ride the last 60 feet and through the tunnel of people to the finish line together. here's the video of the ride. gabe will be the first rider you see, then and isaiah come a bit later.


Unknown said...

awwwww...that brought tears to my eye...what a good grandpa Luke is. I love that he forwent the glory of his final time (after 200+miles) to give his grandson a lifetime memory! tear.
I miss you guys!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

What an awesome moment. Glad you captured it.

itsmepollyb said...

Hooray for Isaiah!

Sherri Price said...

Ok, I'm crying, too. Priceless!

julie martin said...

what can i say?

Christi said...

He definitely wins Grandpa of the Year award. That was awesome.

Jessica Fletcher-Fierro said...

Love it!