Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 months

our sophia is 3 months old today. the past few weeks have been so fun getting to really know her and enjoy her. it might sound ironic after the few months that we've been through, but i say with honesty and sincerity that she is our 'angel baby' now.

she is happy and engaging. she would spend her entire day staring at you and talking with you. she never tires of trying to tell stories or smiling. she is alert, and engaging with anyone that comes up to her. she quickly welcomes with a squirm and smile. she will be our social butterfly i think.

she loves to stand. her little body is filling out now that she doesn't burn so many of her calories screaming, but she is still so strong. standing is her preference as she talks with you.

she has discovered her hands...and her fingers. i try to shove that pacifier in, but she will not be fooled. she actually loves her wrist and fingers so much that they often keep her awake as she explores them.

she's a sleeper....all night long. she's leaps and bounds earlier than my other two kids and i'm oh-so-grateful. often times she'll sleep for 10-12 hours at night.

she loves her running water. in the screaming days that was the only thing that would calm her. we would spend most our time standing at the kitchen sink. she still likes it to go to sleep. we did buy a sound machine, but she can tell the difference.

we're so thankful for sophia. each godshall child has entered the world with a bang, they each have had their drama. i think that probably has more to do with their mother and father than them, we breed drama i guess. we're thankful to be on the other side of the drama with sophia and are truly enjoying her, not being able to quite get enough.

1 comment:

julie martin said...

i wish you could see how big my smile is right now! can't wait to hear more as her little personality unfolds! love you all