Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i love...

...how my garden fresh cucumbers ooze juicy freshness right after i cut them.
...how alaythia calls her sneezes 'bless yous'.
...how sophia snuggles in at bed time, sucking her thumb and gently rubbing my arm as we sway and sing.
...that even at 5 isaiah will still climb up on my lap for a snuggle.
...how hard my husband works at what he's doing.
...the crisp morning air that has come to louisville.


Anonymous said...

I love you.

Adina, mommy to Elijah, Merry and Micah said...


My children call sneezes "bless yous" too and I don't have the heart to correct it quite yet. I want to hear that as long as possible:-)