Monday, July 14, 2008

i couldn't make this up if i tried

so one day while driving in the car, isaiah popped off with a new thought. now, i was totally taken a back at the beginning, but as the conversation continued i only continued to be more and more in shock.

'one day when i become a daddy i can do things that i can't do now.'
'like what?'
'like go to work and buy food.'
'you're right.'

some time passed in quiet. then he said, 'so grandma and grandpa would be the great-grandma and great-grandpa....who would be the grandma and grandpa?'

crazy thought...i'm assuming it came from us trying to explain who great-grandpa chuck is. i said, 'well, daddy and i would be the grandma and grandpa to your kids.'

'yeah, but i'll need a wife first.'
'you're absolutely right!'
'how will i get her?'
'well, one day you will meet her and fall in love with her. then you will ask her to marry you and you'll get married like uncle michael and auntie hallie.'
'well, we should pray that i find her....will you pray right now mommy?'

so i prayed for her. as i finished he said, 'mommy i want to pray.'

'thank you that we'll be married. please protect her heart. protect her because she's not with me. help her to come to me soon.'

no, i'm not making this up. as soon as he was done, through my tears while driving, i found an envelope and wrote down what he said because i knew i would not remember it correctly.

so one day, when she comes around, be sure to tell her that he's been praying for her since he was 3 years old!


Unknown said...

sigh.... :)

julie martin said...


Heidi said...

Oh my goodness Nat! I have tears in my eyes and goose bumps all over!! That is the sweetest thing...were you bawling??? What a sweet heart that little man has...

Anonymous said...

Natalie...tears filled my eyes as I read that just now. Wow, that's all I can say...I pray for a man like that for my girls as I'm sure you do too! Your son is amazing, and his futrure wife is SO blessed!

domestic bias said...

That's so great to hear that Isaiah prayed about Audrey! (not subtle, I know, but well intentioned) These are the moments that make me ADORE motherhood, I'm so glad your life is full of them, what a gift from God!

Christi said...

I think Isaiah might be more mature than me.

purple_kangaroo said...

Wow, how wonderful. What a sweet conversation, and I'm glad you wrote it down.

Anonymous said...

Isaiah is truly a gift from God. He has so chosen to do great things through him.