i know, i shouldn't be blogging, i should be sleeping. don't worry, i already did. and now maybe i can catch up on a few things.
isaiah is not 100%, but he's much better. he wants to run and play and be his normal self. i let him do that yesterday, but by the end of the day he was pretty exhausted. so today we've tried to take it a little more slowly. not easy for a 4 year old who has been sick the past few days.
thanks for your prayers and well wishes. i think we're on the upswing.
p.s. i just had to include this picture. we weren't much for the picture taking those days, but when i saw this, i had to capture it. papa really stepped in when daddy was gone. for a while he read to isaiah from a new book isaiah got from grandpa the week before. i couldn't help but think of princess bride and the grandpa that comes to read to his sick grandson to pass the time.
beautiful scene. so glad he is done with the throw-up bowl!
Pretty cute picture Natalie. Totally out of The Princess Bride...
Love to read about your beautiful family.
HEY - Godshalls! We didn't even know where you guys were. This is Dave Tuck... and we're still out here in SoCal. We're trying to put a Majesty 10 year reunion together for the Spring sometime. Are you on facebook? If not, call us sometime soon and we can exchange contact info. (661) 505-7364 is the house line. Hope to hear from you soon!
Plus... super-cute family, btw!
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