Sunday, October 9, 2011

instagram sunday

we are embarking on a new era in the godshall home...we are attempting to make our own organic, whole wheat bread. i have a friend that has been making her own bread for years and this week she invited us over to learn how to do it. there is a company in indiana that delivers materials once a month. this tuesday we will recieve our order and begin our own journey. to get the most nutrients into the bread she even mills her own wheat. this series of photos are of our time learning how to make the bread.

three kinds of wheat ready to be milled

dough balls waiting to be kneaded and formed

after raising for a little over an hour

the finished product

our weather has warmed up and we've been enjoying
80 degree weather. we had to break out the sun
dresses again!

this is PART of our trees in the front yard. all these leaves
are going to fall. and i am going to have to pick them all up.

we had a curriculum free day on friday so we headed downtown
to the speed art museum. they had a whole section for kids
to interact and create. we had an absolutely fantastic time!


Christi said...

Can't get enough of these. That last picture is so rad.

Laura said...

So cool you're making your own bread! And milling it too! You are one amazing momma!