Monday, October 3, 2011

things i love about sophia

-at bedtime she alternates who she snuggles with while we sing songs. sometimes she's up on the top bunk with big brother, sometimes having a girly giggle fest with sister. she picks, but she's always welcome in either bed.

-she has to have 'Jesus loves me' sung to her every night. i rock her and she sings with me. when we're done singing i kiss her forehead and she kisses my nose.

-isaiah calls her a zoo keeper because she must have, 20 stuffed animals and dolls at the foot of her bed. a couple nights ago i asked if i could take some out. she said yes, and i started to throw some out. after about 5 tosses she freaked out and i had to put them all back in. somehow, even though there are tons in there, she knows which ones are missing.

-her bedtime routine is so ROUTINE. she has to have her quilt hanging over a certain side of her crib at night, but it can't be there for nap time. she has to have her beanie babies dora and boots on her pillow next to her. and she picks which blanket she wants me to put on her.

-she's started to speak in full sentences. and she's realized which sentences will get her what she wants faster. 'help me mommy please!' is a good one...and gets used quite a bit! how could anyone not drop whatever they were doing and run to her?

-her favorite song is 'single ladies' by beyonce and when we get in the car she asks for us to listen to it. but she calls it, 'uh-uh-uh'.

-in every book she reads she has to identify herself as one of the characters. thus, the berenstain bear books that include baby honey (or 'baby huh' as she likes to say) are the absolute best. after the page is read she goes through and names everyone on the page.


Laura said...

Oh Sweet Soph! You are adorable! I love that she loves "Single Ladies" :)

LydiaG. said...

She's the one who is going to need to be able to make lots of choices when she is 12 also. Keep guiding her and when she's a pre-teen, you will be able to trust her in making even the tougher choices. Yes - it will be hard letting go.