Thursday, February 28, 2008

our world flipped upside down

are you ready for more? oh i hope so.

you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that most of our efforts and thinking regarding PhD schools has been pointed toward wheaton. the reality is that matthew applied to 3 other schools. but you didn't hear me talk about them much because, in my flawed thinking, i felt like the others were shoe ins. i felt like they would be the schools that would be a walk in the park. shows you how little i really know about this world. oh how wrong i've been.

matthew met with a new testament professor this afternoon while at SBTS to get more information about the program. in the process he also found out that all the people that applied to SBTS did not get asked to come interview. some were turned away. there are 9 candidates currently there interviewing this weekend. and here's the kicker...they only have spots for 3.

looks like we're in the same situation here, that we were at wheaton.

i'm sure you can speculate on how the past few, weeks have been for us...for matthew. in a conversation that i had with him a few hours ago, we both said that we feel our world has been flipped upside down.

i want to be honest. i'm tired. emotionally, physically, spiritually. i'm calling for reinforcements.

i'm sure one day we'll look back on this time and marvel. the sickness, the birthdays, the travel, the interviews, the waiting. i've been told we're only getting stronger. i hope that's true.


julie martin said...

you guys have been through the ringer...hang on.

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaard stuff. Hold tight.


Heidi said...

Wish I was there to help! I think of you often and will pray for this time to pass quickly!! When it rains, it pours...right? But the good part is the sun always comes back out!!

Laina Diane said...

I'm sorry you're coming up against brick walls. Just remember, this too shall pass and God's always greater!