Sunday, August 10, 2008

first days in kentucky

i feel like i've been gone from washington for a long time. it has only been 4 days...crazy thought. we have loved having papa and gg here. they have been such a tremendous help and support to us. many times i have burst in to tears (i'm emotional okay!) because i've been so overwhelmed with all they are doing for us. without both our parents generosity in our lives matt and i would not be where we are today. we are blessed.

so i'm going to be cheesy and put pictures of the house. but it's safe to say now everyone who reads this is no where near i feel a little justified. so best to let the pictures do the talking right? a little taste of our new life here.

welcome to our house. with some potted plants it will look a bit more inviting...but we love the brick of our building.
this is looking out our front door. isaiah and alaythia spend most their day here playing in the dirt. the neighbors have started coming over since we have a plethora of toys.
the only casualty in the move was the table. each leg split 3 times. the only person in the world that could have fixed it was mark...and he did. the black tape came off and it's good as new. thanks dad for all your detailed hard work!isaiah was so eager to help, even offering to pour our cereal for us the first morning. here he's helping matt put together a cabinet.
so as you walk in our front door, this is what you see to on the left. the painting was matt's grandfather's and hung in his home for years. matt picked it out years ago and we just this summer finally got to take it home with us. we love it!
here's our living room...we just got the rug today that has the brown, green and blue in it that we were going for. we're so excited about this new addition! the dining room table is just to the right of is the kids room as you walk in the door. we love that the drums are in the walk in closet...(isaiah's studio we're calling it) so that we have lots of room to play.

this is the view of their room from the other side.

believe it or not...this is our backyard. i couldn't even get the top of the rock wall, but it's lined with trees and gets greener the higher you get. can you believe it??!! it's so beautiful! this is mark, matt and isaiah playing soccer.and one day we went driving around the campus of southern...this is just one of the buildings on this huge campus. but they all look like this.

a slice of our life here in kentucky.....


Anonymous said...

Your new place is just beautiful. The painting brought back memories (is that the Campuzano?), as did the bunk bed.
I just love your backyard!
Love, Aunt Sandi :)

itsmepollyb said...

All the familiar things! It looks more like your "home" in my memory than the place you've been living. So clean and homey already (good you took pictures because with two kids it will never be this clean or organized again).

Anna said...

Welcome to the mid-west! I am so glad that you had a safe trip out here and that the weather has been so nice these last few days, to welcome you! Your new home looks so cute!

julie martin said...

looks like home.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Natalie, I'm impressed! After only four days your new place already looks like a lovely, comfortable and welcoming home.
Thank you for posting such wonderful words about your family. I love keeping with you this way.
Connie D.

CourtChris said...

It looks beautiful! The apartment has great decor, you are doing a great job! Can't wait to see it in person.
Miss you all so much!

Heidi said...

Wow it looks so pretty Nat!! I LOVE the brick out front and the red cool!! And how fun for the kids to have so much space out back! I know it will be a hard adjustment but you have your 3 loved ones with you and a beautiful place to live! Soon enough it will feel like home!!=0)

Unknown said...

Oh the apartment seems perfect. I am so happy for you! I remember that brick was something I saw a lot of on the homes when we lived in Nashville and Atlanta. I am glad you are getting settled in-it is such a great feeling-a relief where you can finally take a deep breath and plop down on the sofa with a sense that things have a place and you aren't living in chaos.

Unknown said...


lis said...

Hey Natalie!

We've got a friend who recently moved to Louisville to work at Southern. I think you guys would get along. If you want her contact info email me at


Unknown said...

hope and pray your transition goes well!

Sherri Price said...

Wow, only 4 days and it looks like home! Everything about it is so nice! I sense joy and peace in your writing! Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Maddie said...

Nat!! It looks soo great! It looks even homier than i thought it would in the inside. When we saw all the dirt areas near the homes with all the toys we pictured Isaiah and Alaythia playing right there, so it is so great to see that they are! I love your new home nat! We miss you!


Anonymous said...

It all looks lovely!! The apartment is a home for sure. You need to stop saying you can't put a room together....because you have done it!!
I love being able to see it all.
Ohhhhhhhh. Miss each of you.