Thursday, August 6, 2009

the flood & anniversary

i must admit i did find it a bit ironic that while i was peacefully typing about a tea party, outside we were having one of he biggest storms and flooding in over a decade... i would pause in my typing to watch the weather channel's national overage of the flooding in my city. strange actually, now that i think about it.

in my defense, i did think about typing about it, but decided to stay focused on the tea party. when my grandparents called yesterday to see if we were okay, and then an email from our aunt, i thought, well, i better address it.

we are fine, and apart from some minor leaking through our roof we have seen no signs of flooding in our neighborhood. the downtown area has been hit the hardest. with ike coming through last summer, and the ice storm last winter, and now the flooding, i would say we have been very blessed in our little pocket of the city. we seem to be relatively spared each time.

thanks for those that checked in... the weather has definitely been exciting since we moved here, 1 year ago today actually.

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