Thursday, February 18, 2010


i bought the bowls. i bought the spoons, cups and lids. i bought the food. and still, when the first swallow went down tonight...i cried. today sophia had her first 'real people food' as the kids say. she was ready, i was not. it's the whole 'last time' thing.

it's been a heck of a day though. if she makes it to her first birthday it will be a miracle. i thought i better get this down because i'll forget...and i want alaythia and sophia to be able to know what their lives looked like. today, it was unbelievable alaythia.

today alone alaythia:

brushed sophia's head with her toothbrush
. we were hustling out the door and i asked alaythia to go put her toothbrush back in the bathroom. as i finished getting dressed and walked around the corner i found the girls. sophia's hair matted down with slobber and remains of toothpaste, the electric toothbrush massaging her head.

gave sophia her first taste of juice
. sophia was laying on the bed while i put away some clothes. alaythia climbed up to play. i turned my back, hung a shirt and when i turned around i found alaythia dumping her sippy cup of cherry juicy juice into sophia's mouth. sophia smacking away.

gave sophia her underwear to chew on. i was washing dishes and sophia was in her excersaucer. alaythia said she had to go potty, so i walked her into the bathroom, turned on the light, got her situated and went back to washing the dishes. she came out silently from the bathroom and when i turned around to check on the silent sophia, found alaythia in the buff and sophia sucking on white 'my little pony' underwear.

to top the day off, she just about sent me into hysterics at the grocery store. we had a talk before we went in, we were going to work together, be a team, this was mommy's first time doing major grocery shopping alone with all three kids. so the older ones climb into the cart and i walk to the front of the cart to drop the diaper bag in. when i turn around i find alaythia...get ready...sucking on the cart handle! i am telling you, it was all i could do to not scream in frustration and throw up in disgust. i still shiver from top to bottom when i think about it.

time to put this crazy day to rest.


julie martin said...

too much!

alaythia is such a helpful big sister! (:

Laura said...

Hilarious! I was cracking up when I read this. Love you guys!

Laurie F said...

Oh man, do I understand. What a day! Hugs to all of you.

Anonymous said...


Knowing you and how you feel about things, I think the cart incident was indeed the topper.
Thanks for capturing the day for all of us.


Heather Schumacher said...

I love it, and only because this sounds so familiar to quite a few of my days...glad to know I'm not alone :)