Tuesday, June 15, 2010

circle of women

through out my life i can trace women who have influenced my life. my mom has been the constant and most influential. but with my growth, with each change in my life, in God's rich grace he has given me someone. and now they make a circle of women.

they have given generously, given differently, but they have shaped me. helped me to be a woman. helped navigate me through hard times. gave wisdom in confusion. helped me flourish in times of rejoicing. i have lived a rich life because of these women and their gifts to me.

and today, i saw my daughter's circle begin.

sarah has three kids of her own, near the same age of mine. her husband is in the same program that matt is. her life is full of mothering, ministry and some days, just trying to survive. but a few weeks ago she asked me if she could take alaythia out on her own, be intentional with spending time with just alaythia. i said yes, not really giving it much thought. when she made specific plans last week for a time, i must admit, i was shocked.

she made arrangements for her kids, and during her free time, came to the house and picked alaythia up. just the two of them. alaythia has been talking about her time with 'ms. sarah' ever since she found out about it.

when i pressed sarah as to why in the world she would do this...when life as a mother to young children is draining enough, her answer was that she loved alaythia. she knows alaythia isn't around family right now and simply, she loves all that alaythia is. she went through all the different things that she loves about her.

she didn't say it, but i knew it immediately. she's part of alaythia's circle of women. she knows her, she cares for her and she is being intentional to show it.

as a mother, there are few things that more clearly communicate love to you, than watching others willingly love your children. and as i watched them leave together my heart was full of gratitude and thanks. for sarah. to God. for his grace being poured out on alaythia. to send women to her to help her grow, change and flourish.

alaythia and ms. sarah, before they left today.


tommysmommy said...

thank you natalie. such a beautiful gift God has given us through women in our lives. Made me stop and think of my list, what a blessing. So awesome to see this in your daughter's life!

Christi said...

That is really cool. I'm thinking about my circle, too, now. And I feel this draw to be in that role myself.

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!

Hugs to all,