Sunday, June 6, 2010

laker playoffs

it's been a part of our life for a long time. back in the early days of our marriage we would spend our laker playoff nights with the martins. alan and i would get in arguments about kobe's maturity. we would eat julie's famous mudd pie and scream at the t.v...and winning. lots of winning. good, good days.

these days, there are no laker fans to be found in kentucky. so we sit and watch the t.v. knowing there are others in the world watching with us. we do our best to re-create the laker playoff early days. we eat fun food and we scream at the t.v...but there is another element that i never could have anticipated.

a die hard celtics fan in the house.

i know, how can that be? the celtic/laker rivalry goes way back, and how can there be fans of both under the same roof? i am just as baffled. and usually, i can swing my weight around to get this little person to come around to my way of thinking. usually, thankfully, his desire to please his parents still resides in him.

but not with this.

kevin garnet took his heart several years ago with the gatorade commercial, you know, the one that was black and white...and green. and now there's rondo. as i type i'm getting a play by play about how well rondo is doing right now. how did we get here? why is my influence not taking?

i guess it does make it a bit more fun. someone to talk smack with during the game. and yes, i am teaching him how to talk smack.



Sherri Price said...

He must have been a very happy camper last night. Too bad it'll be short lived! :-)

alanmcs said...

yes, those were the good old days!