our trip to the northwest will have to be summed up in pictures. as we did so many different things. these are not in chronological order.
grandma and soph snuggling on the porch in their pj's.
the girls LOVED all of grandmas beautiful flowers!
uncle jake and auntie rose were gone when we first arrived.
we were so excited to see them when they got home!
no trip to the northwest would be complete without a boat trip
on the columbia river with great uncle garry and great aunt sandi.
but any good boat ride must start with a yummy snack...which
great aunt sandi always has waiting for us!
we boated to this cafe for lunch. the girls love their great uncle garry!
daddy and his girls.
isaiah and alaythia both tubed behind the boat with daddy.
they were so brave and i'm positive mommy was more scared than they were.
these faces sum it up. they would have stayed out there forever!
we went to sauvie island one afternoon and picked raspberries and
blueberries. i know we ate more than we ended up buying.
grandma and alaythia ready for the adventures of the day!
we were so excited when we found out we were going to be in the area
for the Seattle to Portland bike race. it was a tradition of ours
when we lived there. we never rode it, but we would travel
to seattle the night before and drive down, encouraging grandpa
along the 206 mile ride. this picture was at mile 175. we're so proud
to have a grandpa that can do this!
another part of the tradition of the bike race is isaiah crossing the finish
line with grandpa. when he was 3 he had his mini-bike with training wheels
and rode the last block with him. this year, with his new bike from grandpa,
he met up with him along the bike route and rode the last 5 miles with him.
this was no big deal for isaiah as he and grandpa went on several bike rides
while we were there. one for 7 miles and one for 14 miles.
grandpa with his girls after the race.
part of what we love about the STP race is getting to go to seattle to see family.
this is a picture of the kids with their great-great aunt lea.
MY auntie...and my namesake.
the 4th of july held a huge bash at adam and emily's. we loved seeing old friends
and getting to hang out. isaiah and alaythia got reaquainted with sam and henry.
they can't remember and hours and hours and hours they spent together
when they were younger. all four birthdays lay between a 2 week period.
rebecca and i lived a lot of life together....
uncle adam and auntie emliy lived it up with the kids while we were there.
the coolest event was the auntie/uncle date they planned.
adam, em, jake and rose took the kids for the night. they played mini-golf,
went to a toy store to pick out whatever toy they wanted, went out to dinner, spent
the night at adam and emily's house, and even went to the park the following
morning in their PJs. we are blessed to have such loving, thoughtful and
generous aunties and uncles!
the grand-kid garden. grandma had several flowers that needed to be planted,
and big space for them to go. she decided that she would let the kids plant them
where ever and how ever they wanted. this is what we ended up with. the flowers
didn't make it out of the pots, but they did get watered and cared for everyday!
grandpa and isaiah spent hours reading together. grandpa started a new
series with isaiah called, 'tales of the kingdom'. this was a childhood
favorite of ours growing up and it has been so fun to watch it become
a part of isaiah's growing up too.
we'll end with a picture of moses. he is the best dog ever
and provided lots of entertainment for the kids.