Tuesday, August 23, 2011


we're gearing up for school around here. one week from today we'll be in full swing.

i was thinking the other day how different this year feels than last year. i was an emotional wreck...crying over mis-punched holes. i had no idea what to expect and was completely freaked out about my son going to school.

this year we've made progress. we've transformed the playroom into a classroom. bulletin board, desks, tables. i have a plan and am actually looking forward to the year. isaiah doesn't have anxiety, he's looking forward to it too. he'll be gone all day on tuesday and thursday...and he couldn't be more ready.

and believe it or not, yesterday i thought, 'we need school. we're ready.' our days feel long, and the kids are actually asking for it. i'm thankful for those feelings, i'm sure we'll need them a few weeks in.

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