Tuesday, August 30, 2011


the days have been filled with getting the boys ready. new clothes, new shoes, lunchboxes, back packs, teacher books, syllabi and all the new curriculum. it's been all leading up to today when they would head off to school. isaiah has felt so much less anxiety this year. he knows the crew, he's met his teacher. it's a big day in that he'll be at school all day long. matt's got a full load of teaching, but in his third year, knows the kids and where he wants to take them. they're ready.

it's been all about them and making sure they're ready. it wasn't until isaiah climbed on my lap last night that i realized i hadn't made any time to prepare myself. sweet boy climbed onto my lap and cried big alligator tears saying that he would miss me. and it was then that i let my heart go there...i would miss him too. a lot.

i know it's only two days. i know i'll get 5 other days of the week with him. i know it's good for him to go to school and make new memories apart from us. but still, from 7am until 4pm (drive time included) is a LONG time to be apart.

alaythia cried big alligator tears this morning at the reality that brother once again was going to have adventures without her. soph woke up and asked for daddy - i told her he and brother were gone at school. 'me too' she said. i listed to them some of the adventures we would have today - just being the girls. all. day. long.

here's to a new beginning and to a great year of hard work, hard play and exceptional learning.

indulging mom on the first day of school.

talking through and speculating the days events.
he was ready and waiting on daddy.

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