Friday, August 26, 2011

on motherhood

so i'm kind of into rachel jankovic. heard of her? she recently posted 3 blog posts on the desiring God blog.

her first post, matt forwarded to me.

her second post, i found myself.

her third i found through her dad posting a tweet about.

her words on motherhood are strong, true...and frankly, nourishment to my soul. she speaks the truth unabashedly. but because of the truth that runs through it, your spirit can't help but cry 'yes! that's right and true!' it's a voice you don't hear much of in this culture.

her dad, influenced my dad greatly in how to raise me. so the things she says, resonate deep in me. when she references things i KNOW what she's talking about. i believed it as a young girl, and i believe it now more than ever. but now it's my turn. my turn to take those truths and pass them on to the next generation. everything i'd want to communicate - she does...and much better than i ever could. she is my age, has kids the same age as mine, she's doing what i'm doing and she's putting voice to it from her perspective. she says what i can't find the words to say myself.

here is a link to the three blog posts. she is also a contributor to the blog femina. she has a book out which i'm just dying to get my hands on. i hear it might be coming my way soon...

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