Sunday, September 25, 2011

Instagram Sunday

I promise this won't become the only time i post.

lovin' from the brother...she can't get enough!

learning to make hendrix guacamole.

school left waiting to do later in the day.

i was challenged by reading a friend's blog this week,
to try to get in at least one photo with your kids each week.
i'll admit i'm always behind the camera, so they don't have
a lot of pictures with me. this is of the apple pie bakers (with
the pie in the background).

our apple pie.

seeing the lion king in 3-D.


Christi said...

That pie looks amazing!!

LydiaG. said...

You made the pie!!!
I bet it tasted wonderful!
Just got back from Spokane which had so many apples I had never tasted before.

Laura said...

Great pictures! What a cool pie! Looks so good! Love you!