Thursday, February 21, 2008

have you ever...

...had to cancel your child's birthday party because they were sick?

i canceled two today.

if it was just a cold, i might have swung it.
if it was sure to be gone in a relatively short amount of time, i might have moved forward.
if it was curable with antibiotics, there would have been no doubt in my mind.

but RSV is long lasting, contagious for 2 weeks, and a doosey to deal with. so i did it. i canceled both birthday parties that were scheduled for this weekend...

i tried to throw a christmas get together with a bunch of isaiah's friends and had to cancel that too due to illness. maybe i'm cursed. but here's to parties on another weekend...but maybe not the same weekend. that was crazy, even for me.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

You are not cursed. It happens. A lot. Worse yet: the parents who send kids to things with fevers/throw parties when their kids are still throwing up. No one wants that.

It does get easier; they eventually get sick less often, but you pay for it in advance.

Take care. Hope they feel better soon.

julie martin said...

so sorry nattie! i so remember those days. lisa is right. it does get better. pretty soon, their little bodies get immune to a lot of the germs there are out there, and there will be more space between bouts with sickness. take care, and read lots of stories...

Christi said...

Bummer - I guess it's just part of this stage. I have had to miss so many things cause of the sickies lately - but not birthday parties!