Monday, February 11, 2008

in the surprised corner

you know that you pass things on to your children. we've all heard it over and over again. the story of the parent's realization that they were the one's to pass that annoying trait to their child. like it's some surprise or something.

well here i am in the surprised corner. as isaiah is about to turn 3 i am amazed at how much he is like his father. isaiah has picked up so much from him. good and bad. and while i've always rolled my eyes at the surprised parent, here i am one of them.

alaythia does this machine gun laugh. she laughs loud and hard until her breath is out. i think i've posted about it before. the other day my cousin walks in the room while alaythia is doing it and said, 'she has your laugh.' there i was again, shocked. really? that's what my laugh sounds like. while it's cute coming out of an almost 1 year old...

as i was trying to give birth to isaiah and NOTHING was going according to our plan, matt and i said we would never again be judgemental toward people's parenting. 3 years later i'm once again reminded and newly resolved to do just that.


Unknown said...

as a side note: I love your laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

itsmepollyb said...

In our house it's the word "actually." I had no idea how many times I say it (as a gentle way of correcting, I guess) until I realized how many times HE said it!

Never noticed that you had a machine gun laugh. Will have to pay more attention.

Christi said...

I've heard that laugh from you before. I very much like it!