Monday, April 28, 2008

we made it to the surgery

we've been cleared for the surgery tomorrow. we've come to realize that her on again, off again runny nose is due to the TWO teeth that she's cutting. thanks to those who have been praying and keeping us in your thoughts. while we're thrilled we've made it to this day, the mama part of me is FREAKING OUT. (that's some drama queen for you grandpa).

the pre-op today went well. we have to be at the hospital at 6 a.m. tomorrow. she will be in the O.R. at 7:30 a.m. they will decide once they are in surgery if they will do both eyes or just the one. she goes under general anesthesia. they said they will drug her before they take her from us so that she will not remember leaving us. the best way they could describe how she would be acting is drunk. we will be able to see her once she has woken up and all her vitals have been checked.

the surgeon told us today that it will be harder on us than it will be on her...i'm very thankful to be taking the brunt, if that's really the case.

we would covet your prayers tomorrow as our sweet baby girl goes under.


ellyr said...

we are with you . . . praying, trusting God for and with you . . . loving you

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I just know she's going to be okie-dokie. The kids & I will say a prayer for her in the morning.

(PS: She may act a little odd or defensive when she wakes up. I've heard of that part being emotionally difficult.)

julie martin said...

so glad it finally gets to happen. i remember when toddler erica went under for ear surgery...she will do great, and so will you. will be waiting to read how it goes tomorrow night, if you get the time! love you all

dfrese said...

I'll be praying. I would not do well with this, either.--Laurie

Christi said...

I thought about you guys all day, praying things would work out.

I was so nervous just taking the boys to the dentist, so you will for sure be on my heart tomorrow.

She's going to have a cool story to tell.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you all today.
D&J (from camp)

Heidi said...

By now it should all be over and what a relief!!!! Zachary had tubes put in and I was a nervous wreck as well. But the GREAT part is that you won't have this hanging over your head anymore!!

Get Matt to give you a hug for me and give Alaythia a kiss!