Friday, May 23, 2008

dozer day 2008

this pretty much explains it all. we have been living in winter weather since october and the weekend of dozer day it decided to be 95 degrees. daddy was working, so mommy brought a friend and we braved the heat.
this was sister's throne. not walking yet, and mommy not wanting her to crawl through dirt - here she sat the entire time. which actually wasn't too long because we all got WAY to hot and weren't going to wait in the hour lines to drive big machines.
but we got there right when the gates opened and we got a good 3 rides in with no lines. this year they didn't have to sit on the driver's laps. they actually got to drive in the seat on their own.
the highlight?? i don't have pictures of it. but isaiah and mommy got to drive an excavator all by ourselves! it wasn't anything different for isaiah...but the first time mommy got to drive one. i'll admit, i was giddy!
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Unknown said...

Ok, my uncle taught me to drive one in December...seriously, it's better than a roller coaster! giddy...I totally understand!

Adam and Laura said...

Hello Natalie,

You've got some really cute kids! It is so great to hear from you. I see that you have made a few comments on our blog. It is a rather new thing for us but I see that you are a regular blogger.
Take care,