Monday, May 19, 2008

it will never end will it?

i woke this morning with renewed energy. if i told you of the happenings over the weekend in the 90+ weather, i'm sure you wouldn't believe me. but the air was crisp this morning, and i knew that today isaiah had an appointment to get his cast off.

the blazing heat and you can't get wet, dirty...playing outside makes you hot and sticky and stinky. to his credit, he never complained. but every once in a while i would get a whiff of something and wonder. was it dozer day....was it the birthday party where he spent most of the time digging in the dirt...was it when he spent the evening, until 9pm working in the backyard with grandpa? well, it didn't matter. today it would come off and we would be clean. no more dirt that we can't reach, no more limping and banging against the hard wood when we walked.

ahh. yes, it was a new day.

we had averted disaster. no major hysterics and i think he became accustomed to the attention. alaythia began calling for me. isaiah and matt were still sound asleep. so i rushed in, grabbed her, a clean diaper, wipes and headed downstairs. all would be right again. all would be back to normal.

what is normal anyway?

in the quiet of the morning, just us girls awake, i grabbed alaythia's cheeks and went to kiss her 'good morning.' but then, i saw it...her non-surgery eye...goopy, red, puffy.

no no no no no no no no .......


the cast has come off taking it's germs with it. without as much as a peep i might add. but we have a new friend in town. the pink eye has come and invaded the house.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Stinky ol' pink eye. I hate thee.

(Hope she's on the mend soon. It usually heals up pretty fast.)

Christi said...

Oh my goodness!! You never know what you will need to conquer next.

By the way, I'm kinda gagging about the dirty cast.

julie martin said...

oh no. the pink eye! the dreaded pink eye!

i'm wondering if the zay-boy's limp is gone?

Anonymous said...

yuck. so sorry to hear this news. hang in there. Pray a lot.