Wednesday, February 3, 2010


i remember when isaiah was newborn it was a major accomplishment when i got my teeth brushed before matt got home from work. i remember having to use the restroom and holding it almost all day until i had the opportunity to myself.

while the days of privately using the restroom are long gone, i've been thinking about those early days and wondering how in the world that was true of my life. why didn't i just carry him along with i do with my third now?

as i was brushing my teeth the other day, baby in arms, i was pondering all the different things i do now with arms quite full.....

-put away clean dishes
-load dirty dishes
-switch laundry
-wipe other people's bottoms
-scrub a toilet (this was a first for me a couple days ago...)
-talk on the phone
-brush my hair
-pick up toys
-put other people to sleep

and that's just off the top of my head.

i am in no way discounting those who have one child and have a hard time keeping up. it's normal and it is hard. i guess it's a learning curve. i'm not saying i have it figure out...but i guess just observing how i've grown. grown into this life - as everyone does.


w said...

I have to say, I'm always shaking my head in amazement when I'm using the grocery store restroom with a baby strapped to me. What a crazy life we moms live ;)

Unknown said...

You and your kids have grown fast. I'm sitting at work, bored...and was going through old posts. Crazy how much life gets lived in 3 years.

On another note... can I vote that you bring back "Say What? Wednesdays!"

Christi said...

This is so true for me too! I look back and wonder why I didn't think of certain things back when there was just one. I think I was just too overwhelmed with all the newness, and so in love that I could only focus on that amazing feeling.

julie martin said...

great post! i think my craziest mommy moment was when i thought about what i was doing and realized that i was standing up, talking on the phone, which was squeezed between my shoulder and my ear, stirring pasta on the stove with one hand and holding beej with the other hand, while she breastfed. goodness! a far cry from having to have the pillows all propped up just perfectly in order to be able to breastfeed newborn erica.

Becca said...

Im not sure I know what I am getting myself into =) Nat I love reading your blog cause I get a glipmse of what its like to be a good mom, I hope I can live up. Miss you.
Becca Rogers