Sunday, February 28, 2010

losing it

he walked out a couple nights ago, finger in mouth, wiggling a tooth back and forth. i couldn't speak. i couldn't believe it.

i was ready for him to turn 5. i had time to process, to get acclimated to it. but not losing teeth! this came as a total surprise and shock. my little boy was losing his baby-ness...his baby teeth.

a few days later, matt and i sat through dinner in suspense, afraid he would swallow his tooth. when teeth brushing arrived, a small tug from mommy popped it right out.

he said he was hoping for $20 under his pillow, so he could get a new transformer. not in this house!

my boy grows up and matt states it's going to fast, we've got to slow it down.

2 comments: said...

Crazy!!! We have 5 coming in a few weeks and I hadn't even imagined more on top of it like loose teeth and such. Thanks for your thoughts-I love reading your thoughts as I am going through similar stages with my kids (minus the third) and its nice to have someone who can write it out. Enjoy each moment!!!

Unknown said...

The girls and i are reading your blog this morning - Lauren can't believe that Isaiah lost a tooth even though he's younger than her and she hasn't lost any yet!!!

;-) miss you like crazy!!