Tuesday, September 18, 2007

in a nutshell

i've realized that since i've started this, i'm coming in contact with a lot of people who might not know the over all look at our family. i have been giving you my thoughts daily, but here's what we're doing and what we hope to be doing in the near future.

matt just finished his ThM at western seminary. he now has 2 masters degrees and we can go on to PhD work. our hope is to start this a year from now. for now matt is an adjunct professor at corban college in salem, oregon (formerly western baptist). he teaches two classes of bible study methods. he has about 70 students and is loving teaching.

teaching these classes were our priority and a great opportunity, so he looked for other work that would allow him to do this. it's hard to find work that allows for middle of the day tuesday and thursday to be taken off. but he found a job where he can set the schedule. he's working part time at wells fargo as a collector. yes, don't get behind on your credit card payments or matt might come after you. :)

he spends what other time he has grading papers, and working on applications to three different PhD programs. this obviously isn't your fill in the blank application, they take a lot of work. he's applying to wheaton, duke and southern seminary. i would say our desire of where we want to go is in that order.....

my parents have been gracious enough to allow us to continue to live with them...after all, we have the kids. :)

i stay home with isaiah and alaythia but recently started a business as a speaker's bureau. i manage speaking engagements, schedules and all that goes along with that. i am currently working for Robin Jones Gunn (www.robingunn.com) and i'm LOVING it.

that's where we are and what we're doing in a nutshell. just thought i'd get that out there.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I didn't know you had a new gig. Congratulations! How exciting.

Heather said...

Hi Natalie! So y'all are in the world of seemingly never ending schooling, too :) Eric is working on his PhD at Dallas and is a "part time" pastor. We are enjoying this busy time of life with our 3 precious kids and are looking forward to moving to India when school is finally finished!

~Heather Zeller