Monday, September 10, 2007

greatest gifts

when i was pregnant with alaythia a good friend told me that i was giving a huge gift to isaiah....a sibling. i believed what she said, but like most things in life, didn't really understand what she was saying until i experienced it. their love for each other is overwhelming at times.

i love the way alaythia looks at isaiah. even if he's just sitting there eating dinner, she is enthralled. she cocks her little head, with a slight smile, sits quietly and admires him. sure there are other more overt moments of delight. like when we're dancing and she's giggling as we all move to the music, or in the morning when we're snuggling in bed and she squeals and flaps her arms as he gets close to kiss her.

it seems isaiah can't get close enough to her. he's constantly in her face kissing, talking, blessing her. i try to tell him to back up, but it's like he wants to take her all in and just can't figure out how to do it, so he gets as close as he can. and the laughter is contagious. there's nothing isaiah likes to do more (well maybe play drums) than make alaythia laugh and as she begins to laugh he laughs at her laughing...the decibel level rising by the moment. my friend was right, the gift of relationship, of a brother and sister, one of the greatest gifts to be given. and i love watching it unfold.


LindaG said...

This is beautiful, Natalie - even brought a tear to my eye. Remember that time at the airport when Isaiah surprised Alaythia as he ran around a post? She began laughing and the fun began! Before we knew it, the four of us were laughing as well as several strangers around us. Your friend is so right - a sibling is a friend for life!

LydiaG. said...

These pictures remind me of the relationship between Mark and Gloria and of course Matt and Laura. Your words described the relationship I saw in pictures and witnessed with my own eyes. You will have laugher forever, even when you're 90 years old.

julie martin said...

i remember meeting for lunch, sitting at one of those wrought-iron tables outside of amy's wok, eating chinese food. you were dressed in your work clothes, matt was in school, and you were longing to be able to quit work and start having babies. here you are nattie, a few years later, after much pushing (which we all realize was futile, given the size of your babies) pushing and enduring--heart and soul--with two beautiful children. here you are now fully immersed in that place. i know there are days when you may long for the predictability and tangible pay-off of the office, (days when you are up to your elbows in poop and snot and two-year-old "no's) but you have chosen something far more valuable to do with your life. i love that you are already revelling in the joy of raising siblings. go mamagodshall! blessings on you all!

Maddie said...

I love those pictures, Isaiah is going to be and is a great big brother. i wish i could see you guys more, i miss you all! I love you.