Friday, September 21, 2007

say what??! wednesday

i missed 'say what??! wednesday' because i was sick. so here you go.

isaiah has been on the path of potty training for some time. #1 came very easily, #2 was a bit harder. hours of crying and pleading while sitting on the potty. for some reason he just didn't want to do it. i'm happy to say it's not an issue anymore. in fact, on tuesday, for the first time, he told me had to go #2. i about fell over.

so i sat him on the potty and he did his thing. after he got off he said, 'i can't wait to tell daddy i went big poo poo. he's gonna be jealous!'

that he will isaiah, that he will.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm jealous too :) What a cutie!