Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Say What??! Wednesday

as i'm sure every child does, isaiah is currently learning it's not okay to pick your nose. i tell him, and tell him and tell him. it's not worthy of getting disciplined, but i try to stress how gross it is. anyway, one afternoon i looked up at him and saw him in the midst of the act. i gave him 'the look' to which he quickly responded with....... 'mommy, my nose is TELLING me to pick it!'

nice try dude.


itsmepollyb said...

From one is a little farther along than way to extinguish this behavior is to require him to wash his hands every time you catch his finger in his nose. Provided he's not OCD he may get tired of stopping what he's doing to go de-germ.

Anonymous said...


Sherri Price said...

There's a song called "Booggers" by Brent Lamb. I'll have to get you a copy. Makes me think this habit is not uncommon...even for adults! :-)

Unknown said...

the way their little minds work...