Friday, March 6, 2009

surprise surprise

it started when i was leaving the cruise. you know, that feeling of not knowing the next time you will get to see someone. my mom and i didn't have a date. or so i thought. to try to ease my mind she told me that matthew had been working on something for months, and that when i got home, i should ask him about it.

now, there have been very few times in my life when i have been surprised. as i've thought about writing this post, i'm pretty sure i can say that it's only happened twice in all my (gulp) 30 years. once was my 18th birthday. it took lying galore and a team of 25. fake invitations and fake fighting, but my mother and her friends pulled it off. my 18th birthday party was a complete surprise. the only other time was when matthew proposed to me. i knew we would get married, and my only stipulation to him was that i wanted to be surprised when he proposed. (the only time i've wanted to be surprised.) and i was. not answering 'yes' like i wanted to, but' shut up! shut up!' because of the shock.

yeah, maybe i don't like them because i don't respond well in the moment! ha!

so i came back from the cruise and started in on matt. 'you know i don't like surprises! i like to be able to look forward to things. if you told me now it would still accomplish everything you wanted it to.' and so, he revealed his plan. and i was surprised and pleased. my husband totally outdid himself.

he planned for my parents to come out to louisville the week of my birthday. my parents will spend part of the trip staying with the kids while he and i take a trip to new york city! 3 full days and 2 nights. we're staying in times square and will be seeing Wicked on broadway one of those nights. i was BLOWN AWAY. i love my husband and with each passing year am more convinced i am meant for him, but he is not a romantic. he is not a planner, not a good gift giver. so when he popped this on me, i really was taken aback. we've started planning and thinking about what we'll do while we're there, celebrating my 30th. i have a high standard to hit for his 30th!

(on a side note. i also know there is another surprise in the works. the only things i know is that the person involved is female and that she reads this blog. i know my mom knows you. but that's it. i also know that matt emailed you and let you know that i'm in on the fact that something is up. i know you want to keep it a surprise, and so publically, although i don't know who you are, i'm calling a truce. i will not look at email accounts, i will stop asking questions. because i know you would prefer things stay a surprise. and because you are doing SOMETHING nice for me, i will give up. i'm turning off my investigative, curiousity based, obsession. just thought i'd let you know.)


julie martin said...

YOU--turning off your investigative, curiosity based obsession? i'll believe it when i see it. (:

tommysmommy said...

I love it! Way to go Matt! Have a great time. Nat, your curousity cracks me up... I thought I was bad with surprises: )

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

See? I told you the 30s are magical.