Tuesday, March 10, 2009

this baby may be healthier

it seems as though there are several that missed this post.

i am 15 weeks along in my pregnancy and felt the baby for the first time a couple days ago. it was a joy.

this pregnancy has been very different for me. i think for many reasons.

i started and finished a post last night about the whole thing. then in reading it to matt i started bawling. started that whole downward spiral of not being a good mom, not doing it well, not being as connected to this baby. the third is different. no time to day dream during the day, not a lot of time to sit and try to feel the baby. at this point, not as connected as i thought i was with the others.

another example...i have not started journalling to this baby. something i did with the other 3. matt said that if i was able to get back to those journals i would see that i hadn't done much journalling by this point in my pregnancy with the others. so i found them and checked it out. i had started journalling to alaythia by this point, but total she only had 4 entries. less than i thought. i pulled up isaiah's...24 pages worth. and i started journalling the day after i found out i was pregnant.

i skimmed through the pages. pertty cool stuff recorded. prayers, reactions, letters from others. it's a good reminder of life at that point.

one journal entry to isaiah i mention how much i had been getting up in the night to use the restroom. i then proceeded to mention that i did not turn the light on because i knew that, although still in utero, he was sensitive to light and i didn't want to wake him up.


matt and i howled. we were told over and over about the extreme-ness with the first. but at the time we were convinced we were not doing it. but now, looking back, we see all to clearly that yes, indeed, we were over the top with him.

and we believe that although it's different with the third, the child just may be healthier because of it!


Christi said...

I would definitely say that Milo is our most well-adjusted :)

alanmcs said...

you are onto something nat! i used to record every single movement and yawn in erica's baby book. and beej? number 4? she doesn't even HAVE a baby book! baby # 3 will get so much love and attention from the sibs, it will make up for what you just can't do.

itsmepollyb said...

It's a good thing I didn't know that at the time. I would've really made fun of you. Justin doesn't have a journal at all and he's an only. The third baby has a blog. You're just upgrading with technology.

Jessica Fletcher-Fierro said...

I agree with Polly-this baby will have the blog to see what life was like.

AND, I can't believe you didn't turn on the light! That's too funny!

The Hernandez Family said...

Hey long lost Natalie - who I "really think I could've been good friends with" - don't be too hard on yourself. My third and fourth get so much love from so many people. They know you love 'em. My solution - I just hang out with Leticia and Christine a lot ~ they take pictures of everything so I don't have to =) Good to see you - love your blog!