Tuesday, July 14, 2009

dear blog

i know it's been a while. please don't think that it's because i've been ignoring you. in fact, it's quite the opposite. i have thought about you a lot and even written posts for you in my head.

posts about our flight home and how it was the worst we've ever had. how just about everything went wrong, from getting on the plane late, to leaky diapers, to leaving every last kid movie we own on our first flight and not realizing it until the second flight.

posts about how i was nervous about coming home. after being with family for so long and with 'our people' so much, i was nervous about how it would feel. the post that exists in my head says how easy its been. how nice, and not lonely at all.

posts about our 4th of july celebration and how a block party turned inside because of a rain storm. just 3 days after getting home from our 3 week trip we hosted 35 people in our 1000 sqft home. no joke!

posts about sophia's birthday being scheduled for august 25th. t-minus 6 weeks from today! yikes!

posts about how at dinner one night isaiah turned on his teaching voice for alaythia. he said, 'alaythia did you know God is bigger than our house?' she replied, 'that's right!' he would state another fact about God and she would say, 'that's right!'. the post talks about how matt and i sat inbetween them and witnessed it, almost in tears.

and a post for today...that matt is now a latin teacher at a classical school here in louisville. he had an interview last week and had to teach a module today. after the module, they offered him the job. we are feeling overwhelmed, blessed and even more like we belong here in l-ville. it's a part time job teaching latin 3 & 4 for some jr. high and mostly high school kids. there are so many blessings that come with this job, one being little zay man will also go to this classical school when the time comes. we're all pretty much on cloud nine, thanking God for his abundance in our lives.

so please dear blog, don't think you are forgotten. life just seems to be rolling by so fast. i promise from now on, to do my best to type out the posts that roll around in my head.


Christi said...

I missed you!

Your dad did a great job on his sermon on Sunday. I tried to tell Jeff that jist of it was that he needed to shave his beard...it was a huge stretch and didn't work.

Your "that's right" post reminded me of watching fireworks in our backyard on the 4th. The awesomeness of it made Max and Caden just start saying truths about God. They weren't really about the fireworks but I think something magnificent reminded them of God. I was at complete peace for those few minutes.

julie martin said...

i love this post!

laythie's "that's right!" kills me. a toddler's version of AMEN?

life sounds good right now, nattie. rich and blessed and full of those little twists and turns that keep you laughing, crying and trusting God.

i love hearing about it all!

Anonymous said...

I love this post,Natalie! It's pretty much the format of every letter I've ever written, due to the fact that I have to start with an apology for not writing sooner! I'm delighted to know that Louisville is feeling more and more like home for you. We miss you guys, but I'd rather see you content where you're at the majority of the year, than pining for what you can't have. And, as always, your kids are precious :)
Love, Aunt Sandi :)