Tuesday, November 20, 2007

becoming godshall

it's something that my kids will never do, 'become' a godshall. they were born godshall. but me, about six and a half years ago, i 'became' godshall. and now there is another woman, of this generation, embarking on this journey. hallie now begins her journey of becoming godshall.

here's just a little about what i've learned in my journey:

1 - say your last name, then spell it. no one will ever guess right.

2 - if you have to give up the name you've always had, it's a good one to do it for.

3 - learn where it came from, everyone will ask.

4 - get the pronunciation right. not god-shawl, not god-shell, not good shall. it's god-shall. and after all, and i quote, 'you will be teaching (my) kids how to say their name, so you better say it right yourself.'

5 - as a godshall you inherit a long legacy of many generations of christ followers. this was new for me...i love it.

6 - when we gather, family pictures will take first priority. and no, you can never have to many.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Good advice, all. I found it hard to take Greg's name at first. It felt weird.

Now I can't imagine it any other way.

Sherri Price said...

Ok, I'm confused... I think I've been saying your name wrong all these years! Sorry! :-) (You should have corrected me and the 50 others who are saying it wrong!)

Congratulations Michael & Hallie!