Monday, November 5, 2007

had i known

we did it. isaiah and alaythia are sharing a room, the big room. matt and i have isaiah's old room, noah border and all.

was the work and stress worth it? yes.
was the task daunting? yes.
am i glad i did it? you have no idea.

here's just a few things, (after 24 hours), that i've come to love about it:

-i love that i can choose to read in bed if i want.
-i love that once i got in bed last night, matt and i talked for nearly 30 a normal tone!
-i love that when i fold the laundry, there's an adult pile and a kid pile. no
-i love that my room is all adult. no changing tables, no toys.
-i love that my room is smaller - therefore has the potential to be cleaner.
-i love that their room is big and has room for lots of playing.
-i love the way the kid's room feels at night with the night light on and all their things in there. feels like wendy, michael and john's room from peter pan.
-i love that the bedtime routine is all together now. and with matt and i both singing songs isaiah joins in. i rock alaythia, matt's tickling isaiah's back and we sing to our Messiah...all together. amazing.
-but most of all i LOVED hearing isaiah and alaythia go to sleep today for their nap.

(their heads are facing each other...i shut the door and immediately hear isaiah speak gibberish to alaythia. then her hysterical laugh. over and over and over it goes. do i go in, do i not. it's so cute to hear them in their room having fun on their own...making great memories. but it's time for bed. i open the door, only to find isaiah standing and jumping up and down as he speaks the words that make his sister laugh. i calmly say it's time for bed, then realize i was sorry i did it. and walked out, deciding to let them go as long as they wanted. i wasn't going to put a damper on it. they carried on for a few more minutes and then both went to sleep.)

i love everything about the change. had i known -- i would have done it months ago.


Unknown said...

congrats, for REAL!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

How cute - the way they entertain each other. What a gift.

julie martin said...

beautiful. a little separateness is a good thing for everyone isn't it? i love the thought of you hearing alaythia laughing through the door. and it's only beginning!

Sherri Price said...

...and no more crawling around on the floor for you and Matt!!